Bachelor's Degree

The CSCCa will not issue its SCCC certification to a candidate until he/she has graduated and received his/her four-year Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution, even if the other steps in the certification process have been completed. The CSCCa National Office must be provided with proof of graduation. An official, sealed transcript verifying receipt of a Bachelor's Degree must be submitted directly to the CSCCa National Office from the institution's records office. A Master's Degree is strongly recommended for all new strength and conditioning coaches who are entering the field and plan to coach on the collegiate or professional level. It is also strongly recommended that all individuals interested in pursuing a career as a strength and conditioning coach on the collegiate or professional level obtain their degree(s) in exercise science or a related field. Click here to see a list of colleges/universities with an exercise science/kinesiology-related undergraduate program.

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