2025 National Conference

Scheduled speakers

Michelle Pifer

In Season Planning, Periodization, and Load Management Strategies for Field Hockey Utilizing GPS Tec

Brett Hayes

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Cam Josse

Of Tanks & Rockets: How Structure Influences Speed & Power

Christina Weidman

Powering Performance: Navigating REDs and Eating Disorders with Your Athletes

Clare Quebedeaux

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches

Cody Hughes

Leverage Velocity Based Training to Incentivize and Profile Performance

Donald Day

Chasing Metrics That Matter: Enhancing Baseball Performance Through Force Plate Data

Doug Elisaia

Discussing the Profession from 3-Different Vantage Points

Dr. Andreas Stamatis

“Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioni

Dr. Bill Burghardt

Sport Science: The What, Why, and How

Dr. Ernie Rimer

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Dr. Jennifer Daily

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Evan Simon

Discussing the Profession from 3-Different Vantage Points

Jason Dierking

The Complete Owner's Maual for Team Sports Conditioning

Jena Ready

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches

Leo Totten

Improving Athlete Performance via the Olympic Lifts.

Mackenzie Wenger

Supporting the Mental Health of Injured Athletes: The Role of Sport Performance Coaches

Mary Kate Feit

Growing the Field: Maximizing the Potential of your Interns

Mike Tucker

Soft Tissue Return to Perform- Field Work

Molly Binetti

Building Champions: Blueprint for Holistic Basketball Development

Molly Binetti

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches

RJ Goubeaux

Post-Activation Potentiation: Theory and Application in explosiveness development

Rodney Corn

Musculoskeletal Injuries: Untold Causes and Preventative Strategies

Ted Lambrinides

How to Make Research Your Friend

Tim Suchomel

Accentuated eccentric loading and its applications for hypertrophy, strength, and power

Zack Zillner

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches