2025 National Conference

Scheduled speakers

Michelle Pifer

In Season Planning, Periodization, and Load Management Strategies for Field Hockey Utilizing GPS Tec

Brett Hayes

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Cam Josse

Of Tanks & Rockets: How Structure Influences Speed & Power

Christina Weidman

Powering Performance: Navigating REDs and Eating Disorders with Your Athletes

Clare Quebedeaux

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches

Cody Hughes

Leverage Velocity Based Training to Incentivize and Profile Performance

Dan Cencer

Strength in Structure: Integrating Sport Science for Peak Performance Across 36 Sports

Donald Day

Chasing Metrics That Matter: Enhancing Baseball Performance Through Force Plate Data

Doug Elisaia

Discussing the Profession from 3-Different Vantage Points

Dr. Andreas Stamatis

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Dr. Bill Burghardt

Sport Science: The What, Why, and How

Dr. Ernie Rimer

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Dr. Jennifer Daily

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Dr. Mike Roussell


Evan Simon

Discussing the Profession from 3-Different Vantage Points

Jason Dierking

Comprehensive Integration: Building a Unified Approach for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning

Joel Tudman


Josh Secomb

Sport Science Approaches to Groin Pain in Athletes: Testing, Monitoring and Managing

Judd Lienhard

Become Infinitely Adaptable: The Art of Seeing Past the Exercise

Leo Totten

Improving Athlete Performance via the Olympic Lifts.

Mackenzie Wenger

Supporting the Mental Health of Injured Athletes: The Role of Sport Performance Coaches

Mary Kate Feit

Growing the Field: Maximizing the Potential of your Interns

Mike Tucker

Soft Tissue Return to Perform- Field Work

Molly Binetti

Building Champions: Blueprint for Holistic Basketball Development

Molly Binetti

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches

Paul Jones

Strength in Structure: Integrating Sport Science for Peak Performance Across 36 Sports

RJ Goubeaux

Post-Activation Potentiation: Theory and Application in explosiveness development

Rod Grace

Discussing the Profession from 3-Different Vantage Points

Rodney Corn

Musculoskeletal Injuries: Untold Causes and Preventative Strategies

Scott Brincks

Dueling Strength Coach

Sue Falsone

From Rehab to Performance: Integrating S&C and Sports Medicine for Smarter RTP

Ted Lambrinides

How to Make Research Your Friend

Tim Suchomel

Accentuated eccentric loading and its applications for hypertrophy, strength, and power

Tyler Carpenter

Strength in Structure: Integrating Sport Science for Peak Performance Across 36 Sports

Zack Zillner

Court Vision: Game-Changing Insights from Leading Basketball Strength Coaches