Coach David Lang from Washington State University, passed away suddenly on Saturday, February 24, 2018. David was an outstanding coach and a tremendous asset to the profession of strength and conditioning. His passing is a tremendous loss to Washington State University, the strength and conditioning coaching profession, and of course, the Lang Family. Please remember the Lang family in your prayers. Our hearts and thoughts are with them. In addition, the CSCCa has set up a fund for the Lang Family and is currently accepting donations. We want to give all the support possible to the Lang family during this difficult time. If you would like to make a donation, please make your check out to the CSCCa, earmarked for the "David Lang Family Fund," by Monday, March 19th. You may mail checks to the following adddress: CSCCa PO Box 7100 University Station Provo, UT 84602 We encourage all those who are able, to seriously consider contributing to this worthy cause. Thank you for your support.