Deadline for applying for the 2013 SCCC certification examination
13 November 2012
Those who are planning on taking the SCCC certification exam or have students you are mentoring who are planning to take the exam this May, we wanted to make you aware of a new policy regarding the exam. It is vital that we have a complete list of all individuals planning to take the exam by the middle of March so we can track their certification requirements and make all necessary preparations for the examination. Consequently, all individuals planning to take the SCCC certification examination at the 2013 CSCCa National Conference must register for the exam and pay the $200 certification fee no later than Friday, March 15, 2013. This payment can be made by check or by credit card on-line or over the phone. We are sorry, but there will be no exceptions!
Another area in which we have had problems in the past is SCCC candidates who do not have copies of their current CPR cards submitted by the deadline. It is extremely important that CPR classes are scheduled enough in advance of the deadline of Wednesday, April 17th, when all certification requirements must be received the by the CSCCa National Office, that the candidate has his/her current CPR card in his/her possession. It can take several weeks or even longer to receive these CPR cards from the certifying organization for various reasons. As a reminder, on-line classes are not accepted, and we require that the CPR cards are obtained from one of the following organizations: American Heart Association; National Safety Council; or the American Red Cross. So please plan accordingly!
One final area of concern is proof of a bachelor's degree. The CSCCa requires that an official transcript be sent from the candidate's undergraduate institution verifying receipt of a bachelor's degree. This must come in an official, sealed envelope sent directly from the graduating institution to the CSCCa National Office. This must also be received in the CSCCa National Office no later than Wednesday, April 17th, 2013. We do not accept emailed or electronic transcripts. Again, there will be no exceptions, so please request that these be sent well before the deadline of April 17th.
These deadlines are absolutely necessary with the large number of SCCC candidates each year, and we greatly appreciate your support of these deadlines. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CSCCa National Office at 801-375-9400. We look forward to seeing you at the conference in Kansas City, Missouri, May 8-10th, 2013!